In the news, out and about in town, and all over Facebook, we've enjoyed plenty of positive publicity to kick off our exciting 'Totally Locally Cambridge' launch.
It has been fantastic to see the retailers, local cafes, restaurants and businesses of all sorts getting on board and taking the opportunity to shout out locally, and it's going to be great to see this carried forward as a whole town philosophy.
Our plan is for Totally Locally Cambridge to be an ongoing campaign, which is driven by local businesses and supported by local residents.
Our Totally Locally collateral; logos, posters, kids colouring pages and bookmarks are available for common usage (Please get in touch if you need help accessing these), which means that businesses are able to create their own content, add their branding and make this program work in a way unique to their business.
We know that $70 Million or 46% of card transactions by Cambridge residents are spent out of town, we hope that by simply raising awareness and creating a 'front of mind' desire to spend locally, we can encourage locals to spend $10 a week in Cambridge.
Over $6 Million dollars going back into the local economy may sound like a big pitch, but many people making small changes and being mindful about were they spend their small change, is all it takes.
Please get in touch for information, Totally Locally support or to share your business's Totally Locally story, offer or experience.