Nominations are called for the following positions on the Executive of the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce to be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 26th November 2019:
Candidates for election to office shall be nominated and seconded by full financial members of the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce with the written consent of the nominee.
This form must be lodged with the Chamber office not less than 14 days prior to the day of the AGM, i.e. by 5pm on Tuesday 12th November 2019.
Nomination and Election Information
The Opportunity
Serving on the Cambridge Business Chamber Board is an exceptional opportunity to help foster the continued growth and development of a highly respected organization. While serving requires both commitment and energy, it is a rewarding and fulfilling opportunity and a great way to give something back to the community.
Attend and contribute to Ten Board meetings a year.
Be willing to attend and be a meaningful participant in various Chamber functions and committee meetings throughout the year.
Support the Mission Statement of the Cambridge Business Chamber.
To be eligible for nomination:
You must be a member (or a representative of a member business) in good standing with the Cambridge Business Chamber.
Board Positions:
President - 1
Vice President(s) - total 2
Treasurer - 1
Executive Committee - total 7
Please download and complete the nomination form: