Parking Improvements Update
Here at the Chamber, we are continuing dialogue with the Council to improve the Parking situation in and around the Cambridge CBD. As this is an ongoing issue for our local businesses, impacting customer/client behaviour and experience, we are active in seeking a workable solution.
From the Council we can report that the following actions are underway presently;
New markings are planned in Te Awamutu and Cambridge to ensure the on-street parking space is used efficiently. Individual spaces will be marked on streets in December. These streets are;
Mutu Street
Walton Street
Redoubt Street
Palmer Street
George Street
Mahoe Street
Milicich Street
Duke Street
Empire Street
In order to manage parking demand and supply a parking survey is underway by a consultant in Te Awamutu and Cambridge town centers, to find out the current parking occupancy rates on main streets and carparks. Once data is in and analysed the Council will report results and recommendations in February 2020.
Recommendations are likely to include changes to time limits and the data will allow public engagement on findings and proposed changes.
An evaluation is underway on parking enforcement options:
Options include adding additional staff to the current enforcement team or contracting a service from Hamilton City Council. Either way the goal is a regular enforcement service which reinforces the time limits and ensures that the high value car parks are used efficiently.
NB –
It is anticipated that business disruption will be very minimal as most marking work is done outside business hours simply for the reason that it is otherwise impossible with cars parked on the street.
The list above highlights the CBD streets, but the works will also mark parking limits or spaces on some other streets including in industrial areas. The Council are working through checking the plans to be supplied to contractors to do the work. It is the Waipa District Councils intention to get a press release out before the work, but also where the work is more extensive, provide a map and letter to adjacent businesses and get their feedback.
Please feel free to consult with the Chamber so we can collectively support the businesses around intended parking improvements