Council says support local
7 July 2020
Council is actively promoting a ’contribute locally’ policy as it works to support the economic recovery of Waipā following the COVID-19 lockdown.
Waipā District Council recently agreed on a procurement strategy to source and deliver all goods, works and services provided by or for the Council. It covers everything from simple and straightforward
purchases to complex, high-risk projects.
With a forecasted economic recession that is expected to last up to three years, Council has been looking at ways it can assist in resetting and rebuilding the Waipā economy. To assist with the rebuild, Council wants to more actively support Waipā businesses.
Procurement advisor Adele Bird said supporting a sustainable and thriving economy benefits the whole community. Contributing to the local economy through the investment in goods and services
had to be considered alongside the overall costs and benefits of goods and services received, she said.
“One of the main benefits of supporting local businesses is that they are
more likely to survive, expand, innovate, train and invest.”
“As part of our tender evaluations we will be looking at how suppliers contribute to local training and employment, provide supply chain opportunities to maximise local economic input, and support
local manufacturers and businesses that source goods manufactured locally.”
Council will also be encouraging other organisations where possible to support local. Event organisers for example will be encouraged to use local businesses and suppliers when planning events in the district.
“In the end it’s all about maximising every opportunity to encourage the employment local people, involvement in our communities and investment in our district.”
A local supplier is considered a supplier of goods or services that employs people located within the Waipā district boundary or rents premises in the district.
This is a Media Release supplied by The Wāipa District Council